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Lawyer Office


I accept instruction for a variety of medico-legal services, as detailed here


Instruction should ordinarily come from a solicitor, however I will consider other types of instruction on a case-by-case basis (e.g. from a trade union, regulatory body, etc). I do not accept self-referrals.


You can email me letters of instruction to


Alternatively, you can send via post marked for my attention to CBC House, 24 Canning Street Edinburgh, EH3 8EH (please bear in mind that I am not at the office frequently, and have my mail forwarded to me on a weekly basis). 


When sending instruction, please ensure these include: 

  • Name, address, email, phone number of client; 

  • contact details for the instructing solicitor

  • a brief outline of the issue and the nature of the opinions you wish me to address

  • an indication of the complexity of the case, including necessary background reading. 

  • An indication of urgency (I may have a waiting list but can prioritise cases subject to time bar, or work to court deadlines)

  • Whether a remote or face-to-face appointment is required


Once I have received your instruction, I will confirm receipt and provide a rough written quote based on the information that you have provided (see my T&Cs for details on my pricing), along with approximate timescale (dependent on waiting list / leave / etc) and confirmation of payment terms. Obviously if there is any disagreement regarding these, please get back in contact and we can discuss. 


If a quote is required before instruction can be issued (e.g. for legally aided cases / comparative purposes), please send me details as above and I would be happy to provide a formal written quote. 


Prior to offering any appointments, I will ordinarily require copies of additional information such as medical records, other expert reports, etc. I would be prefer to receive these in electronic format via email or cloud storage transfer / portal. If you do need to send these in paper format please let me know in advance to make arrangements for this (my office does not forward parcels). 


I will endeavour to return the completed report as soon as possible after the appointment, which will ordinarily be within 4 weeks. If you are working to a timescale, please let me know at the time of instruction. 


If you have any questions or need further information regarding the above, please get in contact

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